If most of your storage items are set to go under your counter, then drawer systems are go-to modular kitchen accessories. These drawers trump cabinets for bottom cabinets for that We come to your place and gather the most basic information on what you want in your kitchen. What are the gaps the new kitchen needs to fill? It's ok if you don't know we help by asking questions that help us estimate like Style and function, Likes and dislikes, Current usage, etc. ease of use, and optimum usage of space.
In this next step of the process, we present the concept of your kitchen based on the floor plan of your house and the discussions in our first meeting. A sketch before the full design is presented; this concept gives you a visual outlay of your new kitchen.
After connecting the dots, we will start the project with full energy and dedication. This stage is one of the most complex ones as it includes various tasks that must be controlled from preparing the construction site to installing insulation to completing the project. As we work with an experienced team, a great result is guaranteed
Once the installation is completed, our team is on hand to ensure you're happy with your kitchen. Our team will also make sure that all elements & accessories are correctly installed during this final step. Our kitchens come with a guarantee as per the products you choose, most have a 10-year guarantee on them. We stand behind our craftsmanship and quality with a lifetime of support.